Bringing Healing + Awareness to Her Body + Divine Sexuality

A Women’s Course

I am Worthy

I am Loving Awareness

I am Beautiful

I am Worthy • I am Loving Awareness • I am Beautiful •


Invest in your relationship with your Divine Sexuality

Sexuality is not limited to “sex”- think DEEPER!

Sexuality is an all-encompassing means to communicate to this world who we are spiritually, emotionally, socially, and most undeniably CREATIVELY. It is our effort to express our deepest desires and to showcase our connection between our physical body and our emotive body. It is at the foundation of every cell in the human body and the platform for human existence in itself!

Improve your Connection to your Unconscious Tendencies

Our sexual + creative expressions are developed through conditioning factors including ancestorial patterns, social encouragement, personal relationships, body image, trauma response and the ratio of connection to our feminine and masculine energy. Sovereign Sexuality shines light on these tendencies so we may break the cycle and step into a verison of ourselves that is expansive and most authentic.

This enables us to be our best selves, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

“My connection to and acceptance of my body has never been stronger! Sovereign Sexuality is a journey I hope all women may experience.”

—Katy F.

“Together we heal the Wounded Feminine Expression, for ourselves and for all WOMANKIND.”

Founder - Sierra Lynn